Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day!

Itsa's latest scheme is burning her whiskers off by getting too close to the candles...

I can't resist the flame...must get closer.

Too close! Too close!

This week has been awesome because I got to start at my new job! I was so excited to be done with the lending job that I was doing!! I received a position at Pyro Novelties, Inc. which is a full-service promotional products distributor that specializes in fireworks supplies. I will doing some administrative assisting, sales and marketing. I am very excited about this new opportunity!!

So... anyone needing some customized promo products for your company or organization just let me know! Anything that you can think of to put a logo on, we can get for you!

Check out my awesome office!

View of the window from sitting at my desk

My desk and computer.

We had quite a big snow storm yesterday so I got to work from home today. I did, however, take a break to walk around, check out the roads and take some pictures. I really just wanted to walk in the snow in my boots though! It makes it so fun!

Roanoke West apartments

Side streets: not for the wimpy cars but Bruce loves them!

Main streets: good to go!!
 I walked down to the Plaza to check out the situation. Seems like our area got maybe 5 or 6 inches.

These are my tracks in the snow! Love walking in fresh snow!

Brush Creek

There should be a creek in here

Picnic table

A little water was running over the ledge

Only one other person had walked on the sidewalk alongside Brush Creek

This wide space looks like a clean street but it's actually the creek!

The creek was frozen solid! I stood on it long enough to take this picture but then I got scared!

So what do you do with all that snow from the streets? Why, pile it up in the middle lane of course!

Bruce got a few inches! Fortunately, no ice, so it came right off

View of the windshield from sitting inside

The lawn in front of Nelson-Atkins- so pretty!
The roads are all cleared up so back to work tomorrow! Some people when they were driving home last night, it took them 2-3 hours to get home (in what normally would be a 20-30 minute drive). So I was sooo grateful that I got to leave work early and was safe and sound in my apartment during the storm.

Til next time...Laura

1 comment:

  1. Glad work is treating you well!
    Fun to work at home for snow day!
    Looks like a great walk-although, I can't stand when someone spoils the perfectly beautiful, uniform snow with their footprints =)
    Nice office.
    Itsa! You be careful!!
