Friday, February 25, 2011

Winter Blast 2011

Last week, I travelled to Lake Havasu, Arizona for the Western Pyrotechnics Assocation's WinterBlast 2011 event. I went with our company to sell the event shirts, hats and jackets. I was excited to go on my first official business trip!

Overall, the trip was a success! We sold out of all of our event merchandise and sold a lot of the other year-round merch that we brought. It was a lot of work and tiring, but it was fun too! Basically, the event was for pyrotechnics (professional or hobby) to get together, attend some seminars on fireworks, shoot some fireworks off, etc. Then, at night, there would be amazing fireworks shows! Like, the best I've ever seen. Here's a little recap of the trip:

View from the airplane of the mountains.

Our plane landed in Vegas and then we drove 2 hours south to Lake Havasu. We got to cruise the strip before leaving!

Mandalay Bay Hotel


New York New York

This is the fancy mall that was featured on the Bachelor! Notice how the hotel building is leaning. Pretty cool!

Bellagio Hotel. This has the big fountains in front (like on Ocean's Eleven).

Caesar's Palace=classic Vegas

On the drive to Lake Havasu- nothing but desert and mountains! Beautiful!

I liked his guy- Terrible! That's his name! It was a gas station (with a casino).

I got my own hotel room- felt like VIP! I don't know why the blankets were so lumpy.

View from my hotel room

Our merch stand inside the Trade Show tent.

The event was at a racetrack with absolutely gorgeous scenery of mountains surrounding it.

Check out this awesome ad on the semi. This is for one of the display companies. Their show was pretty amazing.

Our merch stand at night during the public fireworks shows.

Playing a few slots at the Vegas airport!

Til next time...Laura

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